Thursday, May 22, 2008

What expert has to say about "Economic Stimulus" check?

All right..., this is not the first time I mention about "Economic Stimulus" check.
What could be more excited...? Uncle Sam gave us a check...!

Most reader voted for spending the money...As for me... I already spent it even before the check arrives. Is it a wise thing to do?

Well,... here's the expert has to say about it, an excerpt of the article "Fund your own 'economic stimulus'"

1. Fund your emergency fund
2. Wrestle your bills
3. Pay down credit card debts
4. Invest in the future
5. Invest in your potential
6. Don't let the house sink you
7. Give your ride a little TLC
8. If you want to buy something, make it worthwhile.
9. Combat poverty
10. Recharge your batteries

Other than spending, I plan to donate, save and invest it. What do you think...

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