Dream it... Build it...! At SEP 2015, you will find models of dream houses. From colorful house including its landscaping design, bubble under water house, hexagon house, to a two story dream house... yes...we have the models.
These models are created by students grades 5-10 as part of Summer Enrichment Program that runs annually by University of Northern Colorado. Conny Karman, from IDEA It Lab, had the opportunity to share her talent in architectural design.
The program runs July 5-18, 2015. In addition to students from all over the state including Illinois, Wyoming, Texas, Nebraska, Arizona, we have students comes from all over the world including China, Taiwan and France.
Students learned how to draw front, side, top view. They put their new skills to practice to draw the room they are in. Then, students explore the basic architecture skills including exploring geometric shape in architecture and learning to use bubble diagram to organize their design.
Then using all their new skills to work, they design and make their dream house models.
At the end of the program, students share their models to their parents and friends... The best part is, they got to bring their models home... It's a great place to spend your Summer... Wouldn't you agree?