Find a piece of metal sheet, add some creativity and " Voila...."
I love going to hard ware store where I could find a piece of copper sheet and some tools.
I have a Christmas tree stencil at home that I slightly modify. I added a rectangle on the bottom that would work as the base.
Using carbon paper, I copy it to the metal piece and cut the outline and leaving the bottom part un cut. I use engraving tool to scar the bottom part of the three where I plan to do a 90 degree foldAfter filing and decorating the item with letter stamping, the item is ready to fold
As for the green patina, I add soak the piece for 30 in a solution of 3 tbs vinegar and 3 tsp salt. Then, I take it out and let it air dry. I add some salt to make the process faster. It takes couple hours to develop the green patina. You can use this to decorate your dining table for your Holiday dinner, or you can put it in your mantle or any place that needs decorating. A simple but impressive project. Wouldn't you agree?