Monday, July 29, 2013

How Bigib scarf or jewelry can jazz up your simple black dress

I have this little black dress, which is one of my favorites. It's simple and yet comfortable.

I love this because it's easy to wear for going to work, church or even party. I decided to wear it to one of my meetings. As usual, I was rushing, not sure what to wear, so I grab my little black dress. It looks so plain.

 I was deciding between wearing my dress with a jewelry or scarf. Since this is the first interview and I want to show a more classic style, I decided to wear a red / black batik silk scarf. Plus if the room is too col, I can always use the scarf help warm myself a bit. .

I think both looks good. I'd wear the silver jewelry and the matching earrings for a party.
What do you think?

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