Monday, July 22, 2013

Giant bubble wands summer fun

What makes this girl so excited? The first big, giant, humongous bubbles she's ever seen !!!
Yes, it is Summer and of course my kids started to say "I'm bored".
I decided to try to make giant bubble wands.

It's made of two dowels, eye hooks, string, washers.
 First, you have to drill both dowels and twist the eye hooks tight
Add washers/nuts on the string.  I use cotton/poly 20 lbs string at Home Depot. Even my youngest can help make the wand.
 Then tie both ends and it's ready to go. I searched home made bubble recipes and I tested a couple. I also tested a store bought bubble. We found out all of them are good
It's simple project to do that I think will last all summer fun. Wouldn't you agree?

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