Monday, August 12, 2013

I know what I did this summer... I taught "idea-it" programs at Westminster Parks and Recs.

This has been a fun Summer for me. I did something new this year. I taught several idea-it classes at

Westminster Parks and Recs. The goal is to get kids excited about design, engineering and art. Using engineering process, they designed and build a model of an object. This was a brige-it project where students designed a bridge for Mr. and Mrs. Corn to safely cross a 3 ft span.

Students drew their design plan, build it, test it, fix it and test it again to meet the "client" needs.
With a background in Architectural Engineering, this is a fun way for me to spend summer. Wouldn't you agree?

Can't get enough idea-it? Watch for my Fall Schedule at Westminster Parks and Recs and the surrounding Broomfield County. Hope to see you then..?

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