I met Klaudia Rosalia Al-Halawani from DaWanda.com. I believe she has the most creative idea in working with felt. When people mention "felt", the first thing pop in my mind is hat. Rosalia, however, she took the felt out from the box. She made bracelets, decorative items, dolls, sculpture... Here's a bit of our conversation:
BigiB: Can you tell me more about yourself?
KR: My name is Klaudia Rosalia Al-Halawani and now it becomes funny: I am also an Architect and I have two children (9 and 13 years old). Two years ago I opened my own studio where I produce, show and sale my crafts. It is not far away from my house and so it is easy to me to handle children and work and I can plan my time how I like.
BigiB: When did you start and why did you choose your medium?
KR: I started wet-felting 12 years ago. When my children was very small I used to make them toys, dresses, shoes from felt. Now I use to create other things from wool how you can see in my shop.
Also I give workshops in schools, kindergarten and also in my studio for adults and children and I create Waldorf-dolls and fairies for the seasonal table.
Still now I am fascinated how easy it is to create unique items: I need just wool , olive soap, water, my hands and much time. The felt is like clay: if you know the way of felting you can bring it in any form you like.
BigiB: What would be your next project?
KR: My next bigger project is a garden exhibition in this summer. I will show there sculptures from felt. It is a very interesting show with other artists. I have so many ideas but my time run always away for all these little things which you have to do when you have family (even if I will never miss them)
To learn more about Klaudia Rosalia store, please visit http://en.dawanda.com/shop/rosalia