We have been reading our daughter a book titled" Four Famished Fox and Fosdyke"
Towards the end of the story, Fosdyke made a grand meal including soup. There is a green soup in the picture and my daughter wants it. She asked of I can make green soup for her tomorrow.
I didn't know what kind of soup is it, so I couldn't look for a recipe.
I happened to have asparagus for tomorrow's menu. I always left with hard asparagus stalk and I always threw it away. This time, I saved those. I added onion and stir fry them in butter. After it becomes soft, I put it in the blender and strain it. I then added some chicken stock, cream, salt, pepper and thickened it with corn starch. It turned out good (according to me).
My daughter was happy to see it...We called it "The fox soup". She played with it, stir it, pretend eating it and finally really tasting it. Only a couple zip... and that's all...
I may have to tweak the taste, but I thought it was a pretty creative idea to use unwanted part of a veggie and make is something interesting.
What do you think?
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