Monday, July 8, 2013

Batik, a resist painting method to color fabric

I was inspired with a handmade scarf my dear friend of mine, Diah, made. I decided when I get a chance, I'd like to learn about fabric, especially resist dying or Batik.

So when I was in Indonesia, I went to Indonesian textile museum in Jakarta and took a class about batik.

It's started with a design. We have a piece of 100% cotton fabric and some designs we can choose from their collections. Then, using a light table, we traced the design on to the fabric. Then using "malam" (was) and canting, we traced the design on the fabric. The tricky part is to get used to holding the canting the right way. You are suppose to hold it at an angle. If it's too steep, the hot wax can spill off and got your hand. If its too steep the opposite way, you'll get "blob" instead of a nice design.

Yes, I've made some blobs and also spill hot was on to my hand. After several tries, I think I got a hang of it. Now it's just making sure that the canting will follow your design nice and smoothly.

Here is the picture of my first piece. I think it is pretty good for a first timer. We made a small bandana.. or may be a small handkerchief. And when I'm happy with it, I take it to the coloring station where Pak Warso is waiting for me with his elbow length gloves.

They have 4 huge container filled with color. I chose blue. He then dipped the piece in a special agent, then color then he rinse it with water and for the final touch, he boiled the piece to remove the wax.

And here is my first and final masterpiece. I should have signed my name but I forgot. We spent about 3 hours to finish up a project. I think it is addicting because I felt I'm ready for my second project. 

What do you think?

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