Sunday, April 26, 2009

First Communion Necklace for our special girl...

Today, our daughter received her First Communion at St. Anthony on the Lake, Pewaukee.

It's really a special time for us, me especially. I was in teary eyes in almost every moment. What is so special that both her God parents attended the mass and Deacon Finley, who baptized her, was also there...! I had to really compose myself...

For her special day, I wanted to make a necklace. Her request, she wants shiny necklace... but I want a pearly necklace... I think we come to a compromise. I designed this necklace with shiny vocal point and pearly string.

I worked on it the night before. It was a surprise for her in the morning... I'm so happy she liked it... Debbie K from St. Anthony was admiring it (and the bracelet she designed). I think it's very cute..

What you think?

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