Monday, February 9, 2009

Waukesha Toastmasters 1173 got a visitor from a Brownie Troop 2131

Admit it....! To some of you, public speech is a fear... Just like me, public speech was a no-no... Until I "forced" myself to join Toastmasters. Now imagine how it feels for a 7 years old do a public speech (in front of adults).

On January 22, 2009, Abigail did her very first public speech in front 20-30 Waukesha Toastmasters members.

The idea came from my past experience. As a past member of Waukesha Toastmasters, I learned one of the most important thing in my life... I gained some self confidence.

When I read Girl Scout Cookie instructions which talked about the reasons they are doing this activity, which is helping develop leadership skills and self confidence, I had an idea for Abigail to do her Girl Scout Cookie sales pitch in front of Toastmasters members... and hopefully she would develop some self confidence too.

Toastmasters members are adults. They do have youth group which is aimed for teens up to 18 years old. So I think, for a 7 years old to do a presentation in front of adults, it may be a big task to do.

I wasn't sure how she would react when I told her my idea. With my amazement, she reacted very positively and started drafting her speech. She even typed her speech draft in the computer...

With few practices and some inputs from her dad and I, she did her first public speech . The speech was well received and ended with glorious applause from the members.

From this experience, I learned something important. Don't under estimate what a child can do. Always,... always encourage our children to reach the highest star in the sky.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! I wonder if my 7 year old would do something like that?

    I love your creations!
