Saturday, November 22, 2008

MPTV show today....!

It's been a busy day weekend for me. The show started at 10 am. It was a bit slow at the beginning but then the traffic starts to build up towards the afternoon.

It's fun to see familiar faces, friends and customers. Rick H, from Milwaukee, came approached me. He said that he bought a piece from me last year for her grand daughter and she's so happy with my piece. It just made my day...
I feel so happy to meet customers who came back and give complements. It gives me assurance that I did a great job.

And one of the best thing is meeting old friends and making new ones. I met Diane from EBP, Genevieve D and Elise L.

I plan to do more shows next year as the baby is a bit older now.
Even though this would be my last show for the year, I will still available online 24/7 at Etsy store.

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