Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Toilet Paper or No Toilet Paper

Environmentally friendly is great, but if you have to choose toilet paper or no toilet paper for the sake of going green, would you do it?

I happened to listen to Marketplace Morning Report about Green Voters. One of the mom trying not to use toilet paper. It made me chuckle because I think toilet paper is a part of the culture, not so much about just going green.

I was raised in a country where toilet paper is not common, well at least not until the last 20 years I suppose. Which means, we use water (and our hands) to wipe ourselves.
The public toilet seat is also different, may be I should say not a seating toilet, but a squatting toilet. The restroom is designed for 'wet'. There will always water on a container with a small dipper to clean yourself.

Sounds gross? May be,... it depends on how you perceive it. If all of the people in the village are doing it, then it becomes the norm. If it's only you.... hm... may be your friends will go potty first before visiting your house.

What do you think?

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