Ok.. I have to admit... even though Special Olympics is one of my charity list, I've never been in their activities.
Last Sunday, my daughter and I, had the chance to do so.

We signed up to be a volunteer to do anything they need. We arrived at 11 am. After registering ant the senior center room, get a t-shirt, we went for a meeting.
I learned that they assigned us to be the escort. Our job is to escort the team from stating area, to the pool, bring to the award area and back to the staging area. It's simple...
We're teamed up with Matt. Three of us will take one group. Our first group is YMCA swim team for 200 yard Medley relay on lane 5. We took them to the designated lane, cheered them up and brought them to receive their awards. Sounds simple...
During that process, I learned something new. Despite their disabilities, they did their best, really proud of their achievements and really enjoy every minute of it. As I walk them back to the award area, everyone on the bleachers was cheering at them. I was touched and almost had teary eyes.
The process continues. There are 20 events on that afternoon ranging from heat 1-9. We were on schedule and finished 15 minutes earlier. Towards the end of the day, I was tired. I walked bear footed and my heels were sore. So did my daughter.
I 'm glad I have a chance to do this with my daughter. This helps expose her to a new experience and hopefully that would mean something in her life.

If you are reading my blog, this is a chance for you do something different tonight. In addition to your regular prayers, think about what you have been blessed with. And perhaps include Special Olympics in your charity list...
Just a thought...
In honor of Brian (Ben) H.