Last week, my second cousin, Lien, married to Nate. Just as any other weddings, they have a wedding ceremony and then reception. However, I see it as something more than just a wedding.
I met her when she was 4 years old. Due to the geographical unfavorable, we don't see each other as often as we would like to. Her dad is partially deaf. So she was the "ear" and the translator for her dad.
They visited us at my mom's house. I remember seeing her in a short, tank and tiny heeled strap y shoes just fit for a 4 years old. She jumped on the couch and counted Froot loops while eating it. She played "fish" with her dad and she's very proud showing her clean plate after every meal.
Everyone wants to be in the picture with her. But she hated the camera flash lights. She would not want to look at the camera with a smile. Instead, she looked down and frowned.
The second time I met her, she was in her teens. She dressed like teens and act like teens. She likes camera... By this time, she lived with her aunt due to her parents separation. She didn't remember me... She told me that she was in Indonesia a long time ago.. and I told her that I met her then...
The third time I met her, I almost didn't recognize her. She bloomed and became an adorable. loving young lady. She was my maid of honor.
In the next several years, I only hear good things about her. She graduated from her college, work in San Diego, saved enough money to buy a condo and recently married to a great man.
Why am I telling all about this story... Well...I'm now a parent myself, I understand what it takes to raise a child. Unlike graduating from college and got a 4.0 GPA, parenting is so intangible.
How can you measure the success of parenting? What is the measure? In College,... you can tell weather or not you're successful within 4 years. Parenting...you won't see the result until... hm...at least 20-30 years.
So, what does wedding has to do with parenting? I think wedding is more just a celebration of marriage of two people. It's also a celebration for their parents for a job well done.

Next time you attend a wedding, in addition to partying and congratulating the newly weds, may be you should congratulating their parents too...
What do you think?