What is the chance of meeting a person, with the same name, lives at the same continent and doing similar thing? Meet Connie, from
The Tiny Fig.
I met her... well.. at Etsy. I saw her pictures at Flickr. I thought it would be neat, what would neat to learn more about her. Here's a bit of our conversation...
Bigib: Tell me more about your background.
The Tiny Fig: I'm in my early 20's and I live in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia. I'm a part time college student trying to complete the lower level classes I need to apply for the BBA program. I'm currently taking the summer off to enjoy the weather, relax and to craft new things for my shop.
Bigib: Why do you use the material you're using to express your creativity
The Tiny Fig: I love using polymer and shrink plastic simply because it's so versatile. You can sculpt just about anything out of polymer and I also love to draw and doodle so shrink plastic lets me share my creations very easily.
Bigib: What's new project you're working on, or anything coming up?
The Tiny Fig: I am currently working on expanding my product line over the summer. I currently carry mostly earrings and accessories and I am working on some screen printing and sewing projects so if all goes well I will be adding some zip pouches and plush dolls to my shop in the near future.
Bigib: How is your design process .
The Tiny Fig: For me, most of my ideas actually come when I have troubles sleeping. I just lie in my bed and think about all the wonderful things I could be making... Sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night like a crazy person and write down all my ideas so I won't forget.
Bigib: Do you innovate?
The Tiny Fig: I usually make my items in small batches so that I don't have to whip out all my supplies every time I sell something but it's all about quality. If I can do it faster but with the same quality then sure I will do it.
Bigib:What is your favorite items and a brief description about it.
The Tiny Fig: My favorite item would have to be my signature winking bread. It makes me smile every time I look at it.

To learn more about Connie's creation, you can visit http://Thetinyfig.etsy.com