It's been a stormy weekend in SE Wisconsin. On Saturday, bands of clouds passed our area. We could see the wind blowing so hard and pouring rain from our window.
We were planning on going to St. John Vianney festival, but I guess we would have to stay home instead. My daughter was whining... I thought it's going to be a terrible weekend.. stuck at home with whiny kid.
We heard sirens and tornado warning that eventually turned to flash flood warning for our area.
We all went to the basement, brought some food, water and radio and listened for the weather news. In the mean time, we turned on our portable DVD player to distract the kids from the storm.
After the storm passed, we checked for damages. No damage... we are saved.
I told my daughter how lucky we are to have a house that can protect us from storm, rain and thunder. There are many children that are not so lucky...
I guess that brief moment in the basement or seeing how bad the rain was, stuck in her head. The next day when we were preparing the envelope from the church, my daughter decided to put her 27 cents to the envelope... and she said "For the children who doesn't have a house"...
Wow... I'm so proud of her. The stormy weekend meant something for us. It's not so terrible weekend anyway... it's a lesson learned weekend...